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Home News “There is no nobility in poverty”- Jordan Belfort: The Wolf of Wall Street

“There is no nobility in poverty”- Jordan Belfort: The Wolf of Wall Street

Brijesh shah Fri Feb, 2017


It’s been three years since we got to experience the real-life of Jordan Belfort in reel. In 2013, Martin Scorsese delivered this masterpiece under his banner entitled “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

Based on true events in the life of Jordan Belfort who was a stockbroker in New York City and how his company Stratton Oakmont got engaged in corruption. 


The rise and fall of Jordan Belfort were brilliantly performed by the academy award winner actor Leonardo DiCaprio. From teaching us some life lessons to ruling over the marketing strategy, this movie expressed the best of corporate films.


 In 2016, it was ranked in 78th place by BBC among the 100 greatest films of the 21st century. Playing the business partner to Jordan, Johan hill, complemented the role. On the other hand, the suicide squad girl, Margot Robbie carried out the love interest character to Jordan effectively.

The lavish life of Jordan from wearing a $2000 suit, $40000 gold watch to indulging himself in drugs and sex was showcased with justice to the character. Motivating employees of Stratton Oakmont, telling them there is no nobility in poverty and to solve their problems by becoming rich was stuck in the mind of many viewers.

  The movie was critically acclaimed and had received positive reviews from the viewers. Hollywood needs to make more of this genre as people are loving the off-beat movies.