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Home Gossip CTV News Host Coleen Christie is not Married; enjoys work, exercise and diets

CTV News Host Coleen Christie is not Married; enjoys work, exercise and diets

Ashmita Karki Sat Jan, 2017

CTV NEWS host Coleen Christie is a renowned media woman. She is a beautiful lady who loves food and exercise besides working as a reporter. Even though Christie is not married, she looks like she is content with everything around her.

Let’s have a closer look at the inspiring lady’s life.

Coleen Christie love for yoga

Hardworking Christie is a yoga lover. She admits that yoga brings peace to her physical and mental health. She says that she loves yoga as it assists her to be stronger and more sensible, which is very useful to her due to her profession. She even admitted that stress is her biggest health issue but, she’s able to handle it these days due to her very useful yoga session.

Image: Coleen Christie

Image: Coleen Christie


Besides yoga, Christie also works out once a week with a trainer. She is smart enough to prefer walking to work. However, she gives the credit of her slim and trim body to her good DNA.

Coleen Christie regular diet

Christie, who looks really fit, is an immense food lover. However, her daily diet includes a healthy lunch that she takes to her work from her home. She mostly eats a can of sardines and some vegetables.

Coleen Christie a food blogger

Christie has her own blog, Coleen’s Dish on the CTV BC News website where she shares her amazing food recipe. She says that food is the foundation of every culture. Cooking lover Christie cooks and bakes food for her team and Admiral Seymour Elementary children. She says: 

 It’s not a treat for them. It’s sustenance. I’ve learned if you think there’s nothing you can do to help someone . . . cook for them. It will fill you up too.



In her blog, Christie says that her blog is not just about food, but also about exchanging stories, information and recipes. She believes in sharing as it helps others to learn more. She even admits that it’s a way of connecting with people personally. She says:

I’m one of those people who will pore through cookbooks the way some people go through fashion or design magazines. Most of my older posts have been lost to a tech change, but I’m building it back!

Christie being a media personality doesn’t fail to inspire people all over the world. She often makes all her fans and followers happy with her work. However, we believe that seeing Christie tie the knot will make every one of us more than happy.

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